Monday, February 20, 2012


Jeremy Lin has takin the NBA by storm. He is an Asian American superstar that has stolen the spotlight of the NBA season and has scored the most points in his first 6 starts ever, as an undrafted free-agent who was sleeping on his brothers couch a week ago and has been cut by 2 teams. How has he gone un-noticed?...

First off he attended Harvard University which is not exactly known for their pro athletes. Another reason he has been looked past is his Asian decent. There has only been one other Asian player that made any noise in the NBA and that was a 7'6" Yao Ming. Lin is getting alot of looks nowadays; stores cant keep his jersey in stock, he dominates ESPN headlines everyday, and he blows up twitter every time he takes the court.

This is a great story and it is hard to ignore the hype. Lin is a solid player and I think his emergence is due to hard work and determination not to give up. He solitifies the statement "dont judge a book by its cover" and is paving the way for more Asian players and all people that have been judged and looked over before.


  1. He definitley is a great story. He also led high school basketball team to a state championship and did not end up getting any scholarship. He also set numerous records at Harvard and still never got drafted. It always great to see stories like this.

  2. My assumptions about Carmelo Anthony were made true because of Jeremy Lin. Anthony is and always will be a selfish player. Lins numbers have drastically dropped since the comeback of Anthony. The offense should be ran through the team as a whole an not just one player. Anthony needs to get hurt again in order for Lin to experience success and run the team how he wants to.
