Monday, January 30, 2012

The top 5 reason's the Patriots will win the Super Bowl

5. Vince Wilfork and the resurgance of the Patriots D- Sure the Patriots defense has been ranked near the bottom of the league in most statistical categories the entire year. But last week they stepped it up when it counted. Patriots DE Vince Wilfork basically owned the Ravens offensive line, and shut down Joe Flacco in key situations. If the Giants and Patriots get into a shoot out dont be surprised if towards the end of the game big Vinny Wilfork is creating mayhem in the Giants backfield.

4. The Patriots monster TE's Rob Gronkowski and Aaron Hernandez- These two fellas make up the most dangerouse Tight End tandom in the NFL. They create major mismatches for any oppossing defense, especially the Giants who seem to be weaker in the secondary. I can see Brady hooking up with these two all day.

3. The Giants fading momentum- The Giants ended the season 8-8 and just snuck in the playoffs, they seem to be peaking at the perfect time. Every week throughout the playoffs they seemed to be gaining momentum and carrying it into the next week. It will be difficult for them to continue this in the Superbowl because by game time there will have been a two week gap since their last game. This along with all the media coverage, interviews, and building pressure will have erased all that built up momentum by gametime and I believe they will return to that 8-8 team that just snuck in.

2. Bill Belichick- The Hoody, the mastermind, whatever you want to call him. This guy is a true gameplanner and one of the greatest coach's in NFL history. He will know how to get the Patriots fired up and ready to go come gametime. Bill know's his gap with Tom Brady is closing and he might not get another chance at a ring so believe me he is not going to let this one get away. The Giants got lucky and beat him back in 2007, he wont let it happen again.

1. Tom Brady- An easy #1 pick. Brady is not only the most cold blooded Qb in the league, he's already won 3 superbowls and could be the best clutch Qb in history when it's said and done. But in this one hes out for two things, revenge and history. The Giants shockingly beat him in the 2007 superbowl erasing his perfect season, im sure he has not forgot that feeling. And if he wins this one he will be put on top of the QB mountain with Joe Montana (his childhood idol) and Terry Bradshaw as the only Quarterback's to win 4 Superbowls.        my pick- Patriots- 31 Giants-24


  1. I also predicted the Pats to beat the Giants but I guess we were wrong. Im giving all props to the Giants for pulling another upset. Gronkoswski's injury sure did affect the Pats offense. Furthermore, Pats receivers could not catch the ball later in the series unlike Manningham. Props to both team and congrats to the Giants!

  2. Hey what can I say, the Giants made the most of their opportunities and the Pats did not. And I agree big props to Manningham for that unreal sideline grab. It is unfortunate but, I believe Brady and the Pats will be back again.
