Monday, March 12, 2012

NCAA Tourney Time

It's NCAA tourney time once again ladies and gentelmen. One of my favorite times of the year. Michigan State pulled off the #1 seed and Michigan got stuck at the #4 seed in North Carolina's section of the bracket. I just filled out my first bracket and it only makes sense that State should make it to atleast the final four and Michigan will most likely lose in the sweet 16 against North Carolina.

But it could be possible that UofM gets upset in the first round! Ohio is no joke and they have a great point guard by the name of D.J. Cooper, and a solid 3-point shooter in Nick Kellogg, but I have faith in the Wolverines. My final Four consists of Kentucky, Michigan State, Kansas, and Florida State is my upset special. Who do you have?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The NFL Bounty system

Gregg Williams offering a little extra
Recently the New Orleans Saints have came under fire for an eledged bounty program headed up by their defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams. Gregg had defensive players putting money in a pot and the winnings would go to the first guy who knocked a certain player on the other team out of the game. Now they also have eledged that some of the money would go to the first guy that caused a turnover or scored a touchdown. All of these are illegal under the NFL's current rule book and players should not be putting money up on other players heads.

Were starting to hear that other teams in the NFL have had bounty programs in place as far back as the 80's. If the facts come out that this is true then this could be a huge black eye for the NFL and should warrant some harsh penalties and fines around the league. I think that the bounty program does not really effect the game because this is a violent game and these players are trying to take each others heads off no matter what.  A little extra cash to million airs shouldnt make that much of a difference. The only real issue at bay here is the NFL's rule that players and coaches can not offer up extra money rewards for intentionaly injuring players or making plays. So we'll see how this thing shakes out but I can see alot of fines and suspensions coming.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why the LIons need to re-sign MEGATRON

Calvin Johnson is an absoulute freak. He can do things on the football field that no one else in the universe can do. He stands 6'5" and weighs close to 240 lbs. In 2011 he led the league or was near the top in almost every statistical category a WR can be in. I believe he is the most valuable asset the Lions have at the moment besides maybe Stafford. With that said, his contract is supposed to run out at the end of the 2012 season, the Lions can not let him walk and should resign him before this season.

Calvin will be looking for the highest contract in NFL history ever given to a reciever which is cause for concern, and could make it hard for the Lions to make other moves with the new salary cap. Although this is something to consider, Calvin is a game changer and I dont believe we can reach the top and win a superbowl without him. So I say pay the man and lets not fall back to the same old Lions that cant even make the playoffs.

There are many pieces in place now, and Calvin is in the prime of his career. We need to lock him down and keep this Stafford-Calvin connection alive for atleast 8 more years. I said the guy is a freak on the football field and if you dont believe me click on the video to see Megatron in action from this past year.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Jeremy Lin has takin the NBA by storm. He is an Asian American superstar that has stolen the spotlight of the NBA season and has scored the most points in his first 6 starts ever, as an undrafted free-agent who was sleeping on his brothers couch a week ago and has been cut by 2 teams. How has he gone un-noticed?...

First off he attended Harvard University which is not exactly known for their pro athletes. Another reason he has been looked past is his Asian decent. There has only been one other Asian player that made any noise in the NBA and that was a 7'6" Yao Ming. Lin is getting alot of looks nowadays; stores cant keep his jersey in stock, he dominates ESPN headlines everyday, and he blows up twitter every time he takes the court.

This is a great story and it is hard to ignore the hype. Lin is a solid player and I think his emergence is due to hard work and determination not to give up. He solitifies the statement "dont judge a book by its cover" and is paving the way for more Asian players and all people that have been judged and looked over before.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Happens to Peyton?

Peyton Manning is without a doubt a Hall of Fame Quarterback, a once in generation player that has had a wonderful run at the helm of the Colts. With that said, I believe he should part ways with the Colts and join a new team. Incase you didn't know Peyton sat out this past season with a major neck injury and many people have said that he will retire, his team went a pitifull 2-14 without him. He has now been medically cleared by two doctors to return.

Andrew Luck
 There are many reasons why he should not return to the Colts. The first is that the Colts are horrible there is not enough talent around Peyton anymore to even have a chance at another superbowl. Also the Colts are in rebuilding mode, Peyton is 35 and they have fired their general manager and entire coaching staff. Peyton is due a 28 million dollar roster bonus in early march and the Colts have the 1st pick in this years NFL draft. I think they will cut Peyton, save the money, and draft Andrew Luck with that pick.

This move will be a sad one but also a beneficial one for both parties. The Colts need to move on with their franchise and try to rebuild it. And Peyton could have maybe 3 to 4 years left of elite quarterback play. Some possible landing spots for Peyton could be Tennesse, San Fransisco, or the New York Jets. I hope Peyton can come back to full strength and win atleast one more super bowl, i mean he cant let his little bro have bragging rights forever, can he?

Monday, January 30, 2012

The top 5 reason's the Patriots will win the Super Bowl

5. Vince Wilfork and the resurgance of the Patriots D- Sure the Patriots defense has been ranked near the bottom of the league in most statistical categories the entire year. But last week they stepped it up when it counted. Patriots DE Vince Wilfork basically owned the Ravens offensive line, and shut down Joe Flacco in key situations. If the Giants and Patriots get into a shoot out dont be surprised if towards the end of the game big Vinny Wilfork is creating mayhem in the Giants backfield.

4. The Patriots monster TE's Rob Gronkowski and Aaron Hernandez- These two fellas make up the most dangerouse Tight End tandom in the NFL. They create major mismatches for any oppossing defense, especially the Giants who seem to be weaker in the secondary. I can see Brady hooking up with these two all day.

3. The Giants fading momentum- The Giants ended the season 8-8 and just snuck in the playoffs, they seem to be peaking at the perfect time. Every week throughout the playoffs they seemed to be gaining momentum and carrying it into the next week. It will be difficult for them to continue this in the Superbowl because by game time there will have been a two week gap since their last game. This along with all the media coverage, interviews, and building pressure will have erased all that built up momentum by gametime and I believe they will return to that 8-8 team that just snuck in.

2. Bill Belichick- The Hoody, the mastermind, whatever you want to call him. This guy is a true gameplanner and one of the greatest coach's in NFL history. He will know how to get the Patriots fired up and ready to go come gametime. Bill know's his gap with Tom Brady is closing and he might not get another chance at a ring so believe me he is not going to let this one get away. The Giants got lucky and beat him back in 2007, he wont let it happen again.

1. Tom Brady- An easy #1 pick. Brady is not only the most cold blooded Qb in the league, he's already won 3 superbowls and could be the best clutch Qb in history when it's said and done. But in this one hes out for two things, revenge and history. The Giants shockingly beat him in the 2007 superbowl erasing his perfect season, im sure he has not forgot that feeling. And if he wins this one he will be put on top of the QB mountain with Joe Montana (his childhood idol) and Terry Bradshaw as the only Quarterback's to win 4 Superbowls.        my pick- Patriots- 31 Giants-24

Monday, January 23, 2012

Introduction and plans for the SPORTS ZONE

Whats up blogging community?.! This is my new blog focusing on my favorite thing that I like to do which is follow and play sports. I played football, basketball, and baseball from around the time I was 8. Now that I'm getting older and not playing sports as much I find myself watching alot of ESPN, NFL network, and basically any big game thats on t.v. as well as playing fantasy football with my friends. I would even like to get into a career doing marketing and sales for a major sports team.

I am a proud resident of the state of Michigan which is without a doubt one of the biggest sports capitals in the world. The Red wings are going on 21 consecutive playoff appearances with 4 stanley cup championships since 97. UofM and Michigan State football both have respectable programs that just won some major bowl games. The tigers are a solid contender for the World series, and the Lions actually made the playoffs this year!!! I cant say much for the Pistons, pretty sad group right there. But atleast we have some young talent like Greg Monroe and Brandon Knight to build on.

I plan to go through the biggest topics in sports each week, and give my opinions. You may or may not agree which are both great. I hope to hear from everyone through comments and we can start some good convo's or arguments which ever you prefer. :)